If you cannot sit the test on the date that you applied for and you want to transfer to another date, you must notify us no later than 7 days BEFORE the scheduled test date. Please complete the Request for Test Day Transfer Form and email to info@ches.ac.fj. If seats are available we will endeavour to accommodate your request. You will be charged an administration fee of $135 FJD.
If you do notify us within 7 days of the test date you applied for, you will not be eligible for a transfer or a refund. You will have to pay the full test fee once again for the new test date.
If you wish to transfer as you were unable to attend the test on Test Day due to illness or a serious cause;
Serious causes include:
• illness – e.g. hospital admission, serious injury or illness
• loss or bereavement – death of a close family member
• hardship/trauma – victim of crime, victim of a traffic accident
• military service.
You must lodge an application for Transfer no later than five working days after the test date. Candidates must complete a Request for Test Day Transfer Form and provide proof
( eg. Medical Certificate covering test date).